Saturday, March 31, 2007


Well got most of one item done off of the to-do list. For anyone that has never done it, just so you know, international shipping sux. Even if its just to Canada. First you are supposed to list everything in the box, in detail. This is very hard, especially given that you only have five lines to list items on. Try listing the contents of a tool bag in five lines. Also when you are shipping tools you need packing filler. I had this bright idea to use some of my less safety critical clothing items for this purpose. Good thought, but you have to list those on the forms as well.

Well my tools now belong to UPS, hopefully they will make it to Grant (our volunteer shipping coordinator from MS Canada, he is the Vice President actually) in Ottawa. He will be organizing the trans-shipment to Resolute. Thanks Grant!
-fingers crossed-

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