Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Or should that be Habkeeping? I'm not sure why, but typing that title I'm reminded of a line from Apollo 13. I don't want to subscribe any special significance to that, other than it is one of my favorite movies of all time...

This post was really about the thing I forgot to on Sunday which was wish my father a happy Father's Day. It wasn't so much that I forgot but just that I ran out of time. We did record a fathers day greeting from the crew for all our fathers. It is on-line at www.fmars2007.org I guess I've done worse in the 37 I've been here for so far, so maybe this is not so bad. Oh, and Paul (my genetic brother), that is for you too. Photos later if I get a chance to actually copy them off my camera.

1 comment:

Dad said...

Jim, Thanks for the Father's Day personnal note from you and the one of the whole crew was very,very good, and I hope all of your Fathers enjoyed it as much a I did, It was very special. Thank all of you, again. Jim, I went up to Pidcoke yesterday(6/18-Mon.) to see how wet it was, I have never seen that much water there in my life. It was over a foot deep over the low water crossing and extended clear over to the bluff bank on the far side. Needless to say, it is going to be long time before we can get the buildings brought in, plus,I almost got stuck crossing thru the cattleguard, but I was able to back out, and walked over to the camper. But, it was very muddy,but back to the left thru the cattleguard was o.k. to drive on, and the cleared area was o.k. Well, I must go for now and thanks for the fathers day e-mail-blognote. Love you, Dad